OET Exam: Here is how you know you are ready for it.

Thomas Sakthi
2 min readOct 15, 2022

Here is how you know you are ready.

Are you getting 30–35 scores on all mock tests?

Even if the answer is yes, you are not yet ready.

Because this is the score you get in the best, low-stress, and familiar situation.

The atmosphere and distraction in the exam center will be totally different.

Stress, the unexpected accent in the listening test, totally different type of questions, weird names in the test, new topics, new situations in speaking, writing, etc will tip you off.

Questions might be totally different. Especially if you are using test materials found online.

Tests other than those given on the official OET websites are not the best way to access yourself.

In the listening and reading tests, no one knows the exact number of correct answers you need to get a score of 350.

So aim for a really high score.

For example, if you are getting a 30% more than what you really want, you know you are ready.

Record your speaking and listen to it.

The key here is this: whenever you take a mock test, try to understand why the answer is wrong.

Do as many make speaking tests with someone else.

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Thomas Sakthi

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